

文思屋 人氣:2.03W

Thanking Notes 感謝卡



(Office ambience)

C: Amy, 你有時間嗎?

A: I can always make time for you, Chen Hao. Whats the matter?

C: 我有個客戶,聽說我搬家,專門送了我一幅畫兒。

A: That doesnt sound like a problem. It sounds more like a nice gesture.

C: 可是那畫的顏色和風格跟我的公寓格格不入。

A: Thats too bad. He probably chose something he would like to have and didnt consider your taste. I hope you thanked him for it anyway.

C: 我覺得也是,給別人買東西,應該買別人喜歡的`才對。不過我還是打算髮個電子郵件,謝謝他,但是不知道怎麼寫,所以來請教你。

A: Well, first of all, you shouldnt use e-mail to thank someone for a gift. A proper note of gratitude should be handwritten.

C: 什麼是 gra-ti-tude?

A: Gratitude is the same as thanks or appreciation.

C: 那一定要手寫嗎?

A: E-mail is impersonal and lacks warmth. The effort you make to show your gratitude should match the effort that your client expended in sending you the gift.

C: 我能不能買張現成的感謝卡,在上面加上一句,然後籤個字呢?

A: Im sorry, but that wont do either. You need to demonstrate your good manners by composing a personal note in your own words on the appropriate stationery.

C: 你能陪我去買合適的卡片嗎?

A: I dont have time now. But lets meet at the stationery store at noon.

MC: 中午,陳豪和Amy一起到卡片專賣店。

C: Amy, 這種可以摺疊的感謝卡挺大方的。

A: They are acceptable, but not as classy as these correspondence cards that are made of heavier stock paper.

C: 噢,correspondence cards,就是回覆卡。

A: You should order some with your name engraved across the top for future use.

C: 我說有時候收到別人的卡片,上面還有名字的縮寫,原來是可以訂做的呀。好,就買這個。不過我還是不知道怎麼寫。

A: Its not so hard, and you dont have to be dishonest.

C: 你啟發啟發我。

A: You can tell your client how much you appreciate his thoughtfulness and generosity in sending you a painting by this artist.

C: 有了。我就說“你怎麼知道我家到處都是白牆的?畫兒是我最需要的。”這樣寫,他也不知道我是不是喜歡那幅畫。

A: And you have all the elements of a proper thank you note.

C: Amy, 你能再重複一下寫感謝卡的注意事項嗎?

A: A note of thanks is hand written on quality notepaper. It begins with a specific reference to the gift, remarks about its quality, why you appreciate it and how you will use it.

C: 這麼說,其實也不難嘛。謝謝你,Amy.