

文思屋 人氣:1.36W



Scientific sounding answers are better than slang ones. In the answer choices

below, choice B is much less scientific and is incorrect, while choice A is a

scientific analytical choice and is correct.


A.) To compare the outcomes of the two different kinds of treatment.

B.) Because some subjects insisted on getting one or the other of the treatments.

Extreme Statements

Avoid wild answers that throw out highly controversial ideas that are proclaimed

as established fact. Choice A is a radical idea and is incorrect. Choice B is a

calm rational statement. Notice that Choice B does not make a definitive,

uncompromising stance, using a hedge word “if” to provide wiggle room.


A.) Bypass surgery should be discontinued completely.

B.) Medication should be used instead of surgery for patients who have not had a

heart attack if they suffer from mild chest pain and mild coronary artery blockage.

Similar Answer Choices

When you have two answer choices that are direct opposites, one of them is

usually the correct answer.


A.) described the author’s reasoning about the influence of his childhood on his

adult life.

B.) described the author’s reasoning about the influence of his parents on his

adult lifeThese two answer choices are very similar and fall into the same family of

answer choices. A family of answer choices is when two or three answer choices

are very similar. Often two will be opposites and one may show an equality.


A.) Plan I or Plan II can be conducted at equal cost

B.) Plan I would be less expensive than Plan II

C.) Plan II would be less expensive than Plan I

D.) Neither Plan I nor Plan II would be effective

Note how the first three choices are all related. They all ask about a cost

comparison. Beware of immediately recognizing choices B and C as opposites

and choosing one of those two. Choice A is in the same family of questions and

should be considered as well. However, choice D is not in the same family of

questions. It has nothing to do with cost and can be discounted in most cases.


When asked for a conclusion that may be drawn, look for critical “hedge”

phrases, such as likely, may, can, will often, sometimes, etc, often, almost,

mostly, usually, generally, rarely, sometimes. Question writers these

hedge phrases to cover every possibility. Often an answer will be wrong simply

because it leaves no room for exception. Avoid answer choices that have

definitive words like “exactly,” and “always”.

Summary of Guessing Techniques

1. Eliminate as many choices as you can by using the $5 test. Use the common

guessing strategies to help in the elimination process, but only eliminate

choices that pass the $5 test.

2. Among the remaining choices, only pick your “best guess” if it passes the $5


3. Otherwise, guess randomly by picking the first remaining choice.


1. 任何考試,自信都是必要的,而微笑與從容永遠都是信心的承載體;當然,說話聲音的大小與清晰程度往往也起重要作用。

2. 雅思口語考試的關注點絕不是考生提供的資訊內容,而是提供資訊時所選用的形式,也就是詞彙和句型。

3. 雅思口語考試的四點評分標準同等重要,考生千萬不可顧此失彼,往往其中最弱的一項會決定你整個口語水平。

4. 發音是否標準決定著考官評判你英語水平起點的高低。

5. 詞彙作為四大評分標準之一,並不是考察學生運用長難詞彙的能力,而是對常用詞彙的靈活把握。

6. 雅思口語中的語法,時態的把握尤其重要,不僅要求考生正確使用相應時態形式,同時,時態的多樣性也必須有所體現。

7. 流利程度並非一味強調語速,而是要儘可能的減少表述中不必要的停頓和重複。

8. 大多考生習慣用單詞或者短語回答口語第一部分的問題。但切記,雅思是語言能力的考試,句子的完整性至關重要。

9. 一句話回答問題總顯得單薄無力,也達不到交流的目的。所以,學會合理擴充答案便成了一種技巧。

10. 常見擴充答案的方法有三種: a. 給理由; b. 舉例子; c. 做展望。

11. 學會層次化資訊,此時需要用到一些邏輯聯絡詞,比如: first of all, besides, finally, etc.

12. 口語第二部分最大的障礙不是語言表達,而是確定表述物件。想要更快的鎖定目標,考前的素材準備工作必不可少。

13. 一分鐘題卡準備時間的分配如下: 5-10 秒讀題; 10-15 秒確定表述物件; 35-45 秒做筆記。

14. 給自己的 speech 錄音是練習口語行之有效的方法之一。

15. 學會用題卡中隱藏相關資訊做擴充。比如,當談論人物類話題時,可就其外觀和性格作適當描述;當談論地點類話題時,可就其地理位置作相應敘述

16. 表述過程當中,注意語音語調的抑揚頓挫。一成不變的音律只會讓考官懷疑你在背誦答案。

17. 一般情況下,第二部分的表達時間儘量控制在一分半鐘左右。如果考官提前打斷你,不要著急,也許並不是因為你表現欠佳,而是時間不夠了。

18. 儘量保證在一分半鐘之內完整表達你的 speech ,其中包括題卡中每一個問題的作答。

19. 口語第三部分重新迴歸一問一答的模式,沒有額外準備的時間,考生需憑藉第一反應作答。

20. 問題回答沒有時間限制,考生不必強迫自己說太多,只要答在點上即可。

21. 減少 “I” 在這一部分的的出現次數,必要時可以用 “we” 或者 “people” 替代。

22. 如遇政府類或者抽象類話題,一個原則要記住: talk small, never talk big. 可採取以點代面的政策。

23. 處理對比類問題,比如: Do you prefer A or B? 可嘗試用 “It depends” 的方式作答。這樣的答案好處有兩點: a. 討論式作答比單一式作答更合理; b. 討論式作答會花費更多的時間,減少考官發問的頻率。

24. 回答對比類問題時,還應注意連線詞的運用,比如: but, while, on the other hand. 同時,句型句式的重複也是這類題的死穴。


1. 雅思聽力只考細節,基本不考總結題,主旨題。

2. 聽力最重要的是詞彙,聽力詞彙與其他詞彙不同點在於,你需要聽出單詞而不是單純的看出或者寫出單詞。

3. 聽力的大小寫問題不要過分強調,官方回答通常情況下是大小寫都可。

4. 需要特別注意單詞的拼寫和單複數,細節決定成敗。

5. 注意題型的多樣性,主要兩大類分為填空題和選擇題。

6. 填空題分為表格題,總結填空題,單句填空題,地圖題。

7. 填空題要根據空格前後的詞來預測答案的詞性和內容。
