
Cover Letter for Resume

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        又到畢業時節, 很多朋友忙著找工作吧! 那您一定需要一份簡潔而出彩的簡歷以讓您在眾多求職者中脫穎而出. 憑著多年在外企的經驗, 我教給大家一些寫英文簡歷的竅門. 如果您要進入一家基本全部是外國人的'企業, 那麼您老闆很可能不認識中文, 所以您需要用英文寫一份 cover letter 和 Resume. 這可是敲門仗,不可馬虎呦!

Cover Letter for Resume


     Well, today, we come to learn how to design a powerful cover letter for your job opening. Poorly written or tactless letters can hamper, or even end, your interviews chances. 這次,先說說Cover letter吧!


Here are general guidelines:

l         Tone

The key to it that advances your image in the eyes of managers is to be true to yourself----but writing in you role of a  dutiful  employee. 所以從好的Cover letter中, 字裡行間應透著專業的職業態度.

l         Length

The shorter the letter, the better.

l         No trite expressions

Like “I’m writing a letter for you for ….”, “I am a good student/staff……”

Remember, letters offer you an opportunity to express your individuality and writing ability, being praised for a well-written letter is a high compliment, so, come on, “Wow them”!

l         Easy to read

A breif one should be efficient, effective and ecnomic.




Beginning, middle, end.

l         Letterhead

Includes: 1. Date address

l         The rest of letter

Includes: de address(the person to whom you are writing)

        salutation followed by a colon. ( “Dear ***: ”)

l         The body of the letter

l         The closing

(“ Sincerely yours,” etc.)

l         Your signature

Above the typed version of your name and your title.