

文思屋 人氣:2.42W







Do you have a new boss? Have there been any major shake-ups? Is the company struggling and cutting costs? If so, you may want to wait until the changes settle and the company is in a position to look at an increase。公司是不是來了個新老闆?有沒有重大的人事變動?公司是不是正在削減開支?如果是的話,你最好先等等,等到公司的情況好轉了,有上升勢頭了再提加薪的要求。

What are other people being paid for similar positions? Do some research on the current compensation structure for your position before considering how much to ask for. This information can be useful when you bring it up with your boss. The information you find on related salaries will vary, depending on location, level, and company size/structure, but it should give you a general idea of the market-competitive compensation in your area。和你相同職位的人都拿多少薪水?在去找老闆談加薪之前,先做做功課,研究一下你的職位的薪酬架構是怎麼樣的。這些資訊在你向老闆提出加薪時會非常有用。相關薪酬水平會根據所在地區、行業水平和公司規模而有所不同,這些資訊只是給你一個大致的概念,讓你知道你所在領域的市場薪酬是多少。


一· 平時表現良好

Prepare a memo documenting your achievements;Keep records of the strides you made over the last year, and any compliments from colleagues and superiors。把自己的成績記在備忘錄上;把過去的'一年中自己取得進步,來自同事或上級的表揚都記錄下來。

二· 給老闆一些批閱修改的空間;

Keep your boss happy. If your boss is happy with you, everybody will be happy. If your boss isn’t happy with you, I don’t care what else you’re doing, you’re going to have trouble。讓你的老闆高興。假如你使你的老闆高興了,所有人都會高興。假如你的老闆對你很不高興,不管你做了什麼,你都會有麻煩。

三· 不把加班作為加薪依據;

You think doing your job adequately is enough. Doing a merely adequate job isn't enough to merit a significant salary increase. Big raises go to people who go well beyond the minimum expected。以為做好分內事就夠了。光光做好自己的分內工作還不足以讓你的薪水噌噌噌往上漲。薪水都是加在連分外工作都做得好的人身上。

四· 在工作中,營造出一種需要被老闆激勵的狀態;



Big raises don't just get handed out because another year has gone by while you do the same work. A raise is recognition that you're now contributing at a significantly higher level than when your salary was last set. A raise says "your work is now worth more to us."今年跟去年乾的活一樣自然不會加薪給你。加薪是認可你現在工作水平相比之前有所提高。加薪意味著“公司認為你工作的價值提高了” 。

五· 不要拿同事來說事。



First of all, you may not have all your facts right, and bringing up your colleague's salary will put your manager into an uncomfortable position. What you should do is compare what you're making to the industry average. Using the industry average will reflect well on you and will show your boss that you've been doing your research。首先,你可能並不知道全部的事實,如果你拿同事的薪水來和經理談加薪的話,就會把經理陷於尷尬的處境。你要做的是和你所在行業的平均薪資水平作比較。這樣做可以很好地向你的老闆說明,你是有做過功課的。