

文思屋 人氣:2.76W




第一張:第一例是個部門,部門名稱後面標註人員數量。第二列寫的available time resources,就是說這些部門分別由多少時間預算,第三列到第五列的time used,使用的時間包括support/admin、new products,product extensions這三部分。我最先非常不理解product extension的意思,但是影響不大,就當作花在某一方面的時間吧。


1。if available time resources in 某一部門 increase by 10% in the next year,how many new products will be launched?答案是cannot say

2. if four products were extended during this year, on average how many more hours were spent on each extension in Technical Service(部門名) compared to Specifications(部門名)。答案是將兩個部門product extension 那欄的時間相減,再除以4

3。on average how many nore hours were worked per employee in Marketing than in Specification.這題有兩個陷阱,一個是容易漏算product extension的時間,還有就是如果算出來沒有相應的答案不要懷疑自己算錯了,這道題的答案是cannot say

第二張,匯率題。第一列是各個貨幣的名稱,第二列是當天的收盤價,第三是當天的最高點,第四列是最低點,第五列是change on day,表示收盤價與開盤價相比的變化數額,還有最後一列非常哄人的,叫world bank index,做題的時候也當作是匯率好了。需要注意的是這些數字都代表rates are number of Rupee(就是這道題目的換算貨幣) per stated currency。經典的題目有如下:

1。which currency loses the greatest proportional value against the Rupee when using the world bank index instead of todays closing exchange rate?答案是Yen。這道題的關鍵是將world bank index不要看作指數,就當收盤價好了。但是記住是跟開盤價比較哦。

2。What was the world bank index for Yen yesterday?答案是cannot say

3。還有一道是匯率換算題,就是說有多少stated currency,那麼這些currency去換某個數額的Rupee的債以後,還剩多少活著還欠多少


1。what percentage of the population in Australia own both cars and telephones.答案是cannot say


第四張:一個公司5年間的net sales, cost of goods sold ,sales margin, fixed costs, operating cash flow的資料。每列是某一年的這些專案的資料。經典題目有:

1。The average annual growth rate in Net Sales for the Industry from 1995 onwards was 20%. by how many EUR did the Net Sales of某公司exceed the industry average by 1997?答案我覺得是none of these或者cannot say,但是不確定。理由是我們不知道行業1995的平均數,所以不知道


1。how many Euros would you get to the US Dollar on 1 January?我理解的是1美元=多少歐元。所以用歐元對應的匯率除以美元的數就好了


第六張:某國4年間的經濟資料就,這些指標包括Total GDP, GDP per head of population, GDP growth per head, unemployment rate (%of workforce).用total GDP除以GDP per head可以得到總人口,但是注意不是workforce哦,GDP growth per head可以算前一年的人均GDP,還有失業率表示是勞動力的百分數而不是總人口哦。經典題目有:

1。how many unemployed people were there in 1999, given that the workforce was 60% of the population.答案是先算總人口,再算workforce,最後算失業人數。如果算出來選項裡沒有你答案,同時還有個選項是none of these,就選none of these吧

2 what would the GDP per person in the workforce have been in 1997, given that the workforce was 55% of the population.一樣的思路

第七張:一個集團公司各子公司subsidiaries兩年的收入與利潤數字,是圖的形式。圖的左邊是一個年份的這些子公司的表現,右邊與左邊相似,但是另外一個年份的。這些子公司有Tidal, Wind, Solar,後面括號的數字表示公司數量.紅色柱是收入,藍色是利潤.經典題目有:

1. which industry Sector in which year generated the greatest operating profit per company.注意是per company,所以記得除以公司數量

大概就是這樣子,我會上傳這些圖表。其實只要熟悉了圖表表示的內容,不管題型怎麼變都可以在規定時間裡完成的。Good luck。