

文思屋 人氣:1.37W




miao juan beng

Jixing hang wen

Zihe cheng juan zhi

2.憧憬 裨 屐 徜徉 鏤 骷髏 醞釀 磅礴 匍匐 攢 鳧 汲

3.瑩 yíng 瑩澈

縈yíng 縈繞

螢yíng 螢火蟲

昧mèi 愚昧

味wèi 味精

羨xiàn 羨慕

恙yàng 別來無恙

鳧fú 鳧水

梟xiāo 梟健

4.糾紛 閒情逸致 孜孜不倦 推敲 鍥而不捨


6.(1)人們只驚羨她現時的明豔 浸透了奮鬥的淚泉




7.(1)《家》 《春秋》

(2)周樹人 豫山 文學 思想

(3)邊城 長河

(4)二馬 歸去來兮

(5)女神 屈原

(6)俄國 復活




1. (1)反:同“返”,返回



(4) 洞:打洞









(13)是:此 止:通只

2. (1)C


3. (1)鄭國有一個想要買鞋的人




4.(1)牧之 唐

(2)子瞻 東坡居士 北宋文學家 韓愈、柳宗元、歐陽修、蘇洵、蘇軾、蘇轍、王安石

(3)酈道元 地理

(4)退之 唐 柳宗元

(5)幼安 稼軒 豪邁奔放、沉鬱悲壯、剛柔相濟、婉約含蓄、恬淡清麗





(5)禽獸之變詐幾何哉 止增笑耳

(6)林寒澗肅 空谷傳響 哀轉久絕

(7)海日生殘夜 江春入舊年















3. 從第三項開始,每一項都是前兩項的和

4.①在洞中歷險的時候,湯姆關心安慰蓓姬,把身上僅有的一塊麵包給她吃,最後正是由於他的勇敢和機智才能從洞中脫險。這充分表現了他心地善良、樂於助人、聰明機智 ②(1)吳承恩 愛讀書

(2)孫悟空 三打白骨精 收服紅孩兒,熄滅火焰山












(1)①誨:教導。 誨人不倦

②善:善於,擅長。 多謀善斷




3.作文 略



(1)是個意志非常堅定、關鍵時刻懂得取捨,最終實現了人生目標的人物。 本文寫了格林斯潘兩次“放飛氣球”:第一次,捨棄數學選擇音樂;第二次,捨棄音樂選擇經濟學。



(3)說明方式 與下面13段呼應
















(1)朵 株 筆 片

(2)形狀 聲音 顏色 味道

































篇二:新譯林 2015年 英語寒假作業


Unit 1 掌握時間: 檢查人:

科學_____________博物館___________ 郵局____________ 書店__________ 電影院____________ 醫院________ 十字路口_________ 轉彎____________ 左_______ 右___________________ 向左轉________________向右轉________________ 直走________________ 1. 博物館的商店在哪兒?在大門附近。

2. 我們怎麼到那兒?在書店左轉。然後在醫院右轉。

3. 我想買一張明信片。

4. 電影院在哪兒?在書店旁邊。

5. 我們在電影院的前面。


掌握時間: 檢查人:

步行公共汽車__________ 飛機出租汽車________ 船________ 地鐵慢的________減少,降低________停下________慢下來_____________

1. X k B 1 . c o m


2. 我經常騎自行車來。


3. 我怎麼到復興醫院?在那邊坐57路車。


4. 在美國騎自行車的人必須戴頭盔。


5. 別闖紅燈!我們必須停下來等。


6. 我必須注意交通訊號燈!


7. 黃燈慢下來,停一停。紅燈停下來,等一等。綠燈行。


Unit3 掌握時間: 檢查人:

拜訪________________電影________________ 看電影________________ 旅行________________ 去旅行________________ 超市_______________ 晚上,傍晚____________

在今晚_____________ 明天________________ 下週________________ 詞典滑稽的________________連環畫冊________________ 單詞___________ 明信片________________看望我的(外)祖父母________________ 去超市1. 你明天打算做什麼?我要上美術課。

2. 我們要到人民公園去畫畫。

3. 你們打算去哪兒?我們打算去電影院。


4. 你們打算什麼時候去?下週三。


掌握時間: 檢查人:

ing形式:跳舞唱歌________________ 讀故事________________





三單形式:做中國食物__________________________學習漢語__________________________ 猜字謎__________________________ 去遠足__________________________

1. Peter有什麼愛好?他喜歡讀故事。他喜歡練功夫和游泳。他也喜歡唱歌。


2. 他住在悉尼嗎?不,他沒有。


3. 他喜歡猜字謎和遠足嗎?是的,他喜歡。


4. 我能成為他的筆友嗎?當然可以。


5. 他有什麼愛好?他喜歡放風箏。


6. 她有什麼愛好?她喜歡跳舞。


Unit5 掌握時間: 檢查人:

工廠______________工人______________ 郵遞員______________警察商人,企業家_____________ 漁民____________ 科學家____________ ____________ 教練____________ 計程車司機_____________清潔工________________ 歌唱家________________ 舞蹈家________________ 1. 他是做什麼的?他是商人。

2. 他在哪兒工作?他在海上工作。



4. 他怎麼上班?他騎自行車上班。新-課-標-第- 一-網





Unit6 掌握時間: 檢查人:

生氣的________________害怕________________難過的_______________高興的________________ 擔心的,發愁的________________看病________________數數_______________

穿________________更多的________________深的________________呼吸________________ 深深吸一口氣__________________________ 數到十__________________________

做多些運動__________________________ 穿多些暖和的衣服__________________________

1. 這個卡通片是講什麼的?是一部關於一隻貓的。


2. 它們害怕他。


3. 這隻貓很生他們的氣。


4. 怎麼了?你爸爸生病了。


5. 他今天早上應該去看病。 6. 不要傷心。___________________________________________________ 7. 你爸爸現在感覺怎麼樣了?不大好。

8. 我該怎麼辦?你應該穿多些暖和的衣服。

所有內容開學初會在早自習、上課時聽、默寫,請家長認真監督孩子完成! 祝大家寒假愉快!

篇三:新譯林 七年級上英語寒假作業


家長簽字:_______________ 完成情況:優______ 良______ 一般_______ _完成日期:___________


( )1 Millie was born _____ the evening of December 3rd. 1996.

A. in B. at C. on D. of

( )2 _____ does Helen _____ to school? By bike.

A. What, go B. How, to go C. How, go D. How, going ( )3 There is “s” and “u” in the word “sun”.

A. a , an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an

( )4 Millie plays a trick _________ Wendy at the party. A. on

D. for B. with C. to

( )5 What about ______?

A. go walking B. going walking C. go to walk D. going to walk

( )6 Ronaldo is ______ football player.

A. she favourite B. favourite C. her favourite D. her the favourite

( )7 I will meet him _________ the morning _________ October 2 .

A. on, in B. in, of C. on, of D. in, in nd

( )8 May I have ______ Coke? –Sure.

A. some B. any C. a lot D. many

( )9 Can you make a lantern a pumpkin'? A. out B. of C. from D. out of

( )10 Who is the woman _________ a red dress?

A. dress up B. wear C. put on D. in ( )11 -Can I borrow your bike? - You can ask Simon, he has one.

A. Yes, you can. B. I’m sorry. I don’t have one. C. Yes, I do. D. No, you don’t.

( )12 He hopes ____ to China this year.

A. fly B. flies C. to fly D. flying

( )13 _____ does Helen _____ to school? By bike.

A. What, go B. How, to go C. How, go D. How, going

( )14一_________ do you like this film so much? 一Because it’s fun.

A. How B. What C. Which D. Why ( )15 His father is talking the teacher his son’s English.

A. with, with B. about, about C. with, about D. about, with

( ) 16. —There is _____ art lesson this morning. —Yes. But where is ____ art room?

A. an; a

D. the; a B. an; / C. an; the

( ) 17. —Are there _______ chairs in the room? —Yes, there are _______.

A. some; any B. any; some C. some; some D. any; any

( ) 18. There _______ a lot of people in the building.

A. is B. are C. be D. was

( ) 19. —What do you have _________ breakfast? —Some milk and an egg.

A. to B. for C. in D. on

( ) 20. —You look so beautiful in pink. —________.

A. I’m not beautiful. B. I’m not sure. C. Where D. Thank you

( ) 21. —Why do you like Maths best? — _______I think it’s interesting.

A. So B. Because C. But D. Or

( ) 22. This beautiful blouse ________ me one hundred yuan.

A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay

( ) 23.—________ do you have a computer class? —Once a week.

A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many

( ) 24. This pair of shoes is too small for me. Can you show me another _______?

A. pairs B. pair C. one D. ones

( ) 25. —This dress looks nice. Can I _________? —Yes, here you are.

A. try them on B. try on them C. try on it D. try it on

( ) 26. —________ —It’s white.

A. Where is your cup? B. What’s in your cup?

C. How’s your cup? D. What colour is your cup?

( ) 27. Don’t talk! The baby ___________over there.

A. sleeps B. sleep C. is sleeping D. sleeping

( ) 28. ________ great show! It’s very interesting.

A. What a B. What C. How a D. How

( ) 29. —What is your new hat __________? —Wool.

A. made from B. made of C. made in D made

( ) 30. —Are you playing computer games, Jack and John?

—_____________. We are doing our homework, Mum.

A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. Yes, we are. D. No, we aren’t.

二、完形填空 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)

Do you often think of your parents? You may say, ‘‘Of course, I 31 . I 32 a gift for my mother on Mother’s Day and on Father’s Day I give my father 33 , too.’’ But what about the other days of the year? In my family, my parents like 34 very much because my aunt and uncle come back from Beijing to see them. All the family members get together. They are very happy. In the evening, we eat moon cakes and watch the 35 . I have a friend. Her parents 36 in another city. One day, I go to see her, and we have a nice talk. Then she wants to 37 . So she dials (撥打) the number, but then she puts down the phone. 38 about 15 minutes, she dials the number again. ‘‘Hi, Mom?.’’

Later, I ask, ‘‘Why do you dial the number 39 ?’’ She smiles, ‘‘My parents are old and 40 , so they can't get close to the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I only want to give them 41 time to 42 the telephone.’’ My friend is a good girl. She is always 43 of her parents. You also want to be a

44 child, right? Please always remember to 45 your parents at any time, not just on some important days.

( ) 31. A. will

( ) 32. A. buy

( ) 33. A. a cake B. do C. won’t C. take D. don't D. do D. a gift B. sell B. a kiss C. some money

( ) 34. A. Halloween B. New Year’s Day C. Christmas Day D. Mid-Autumn Festival

( ) 35. A. moon

( ) 36. A. live B. sun B. play D. film D. eat C. travel

( ) 37. A. make a call


( ) 38. A. After B. go fishing C. take a walk D. have a B. When C. Before

C. second

D. For D. the second ( ) 39. A. a twice B. twice ( ) 40. A. slow

( ) 41. A. enough B. fast B. little C. healthy D. strong D. free C. any

( ) 42. A. move B. bring C. take D. answer

( ) 43. A. telling B. saying

( ) 44. A. well

( ) 45. A. call B. clever B. look C. thinking D. waiting C. bad D. good D. hear C. listen

三、閱讀理解 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)


篇四:新譯林 七年級上英語寒假作業


家長簽字:_______________ 完成情況:優______ 良______ 一般_______ _完成日期:___________


( )1 Millie was born _____ the evening of December 3rd. 1996.

A. in B. at C. on D. of

( )2 _____ does Helen _____ to school? By bike.

A. What, go B. How, to go C. How, go D. How, going ( )3 There is “s” and “u” in the word “sun”.

A. a , an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an

( )4 Millie plays a trick _________ Wendy at the party. A. on

D. for B. with C. to

( )5 What about ______?

A. go walking B. going walking C. go to walk D. going to walk

( )6 Ronaldo is ______ football player.

A. she favourite B. favourite C. her favourite D. her the favourite

( )7 I will meet him _________ the morning _________ October 2 .

A. on, in B. in, of C. on, of D. in, in nd

( )8 May I have ______ Coke? –Sure.

A. some B. any C. a lot D. many

( )9 Can you make a lantern a pumpkin'? A. out B. of C. from D. out of

( )10 Who is the woman _________ a red dress?

A. dress up B. wear C. put on D. in ( )11 -Can I borrow your bike? - You can ask Simon, he has one.

A. Yes, you can. B. I’m sorry. I don’t have one. C. Yes, I do. D. No, you don’t.

( )12 He hopes ____ to China this year.

A. fly B. flies C. to fly D. flying

( )13 _____ does Helen _____ to school? By bike.

A. What, go B. How, to go C. How, go D. How, going

( )14一_________ do you like this film so much? 一Because it’s fun.

A. How B. What C. Which D. Why ( )15 His father is talking the teacher his son’s English.

A. with, with B. about, about C. with, about D. about, with

( ) 16. —There is _____ art lesson this morning. —Yes. But where is ____ art room?

A. an; a

D. the; a B. an; / C. an; the

( ) 17. —Are there _______ chairs in the room? —Yes, there are _______.

A. some; any B. any; some C. some; some D. any; any

( ) 18. There _______ a lot of people in the building.

A. is B. are C. be D. was

( ) 19. —What do you have _________ breakfast? —Some milk and an egg.

A. to B. for C. in D. on

( ) 20. —You look so beautiful in pink. —________.

A. I’m not beautiful. B. I’m not sure. C. Where D. Thank you

( ) 21. —Why do you like Maths best? — _______I think it’s interesting.

A. So B. Because C. But D. Or

( ) 22. This beautiful blouse ________ me one hundred yuan.

A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay

( ) 23.—________ do you have a computer class? —Once a week.

A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many

( ) 24. This pair of shoes is too small for me. Can you show me another _______?

A. pairs B. pair C. one D. ones

( ) 25. —This dress looks nice. Can I _________? —Yes, here you are.

A. try them on B. try on them C. try on it D. try it on

( ) 26. —________ —It’s white.

A. Where is your cup? B. What’s in your cup?

C. How’s your cup? D. What colour is your cup?

( ) 27. Don’t talk! The baby ___________over there.

A. sleeps B. sleep C. is sleeping D. sleeping

( ) 28. ________ great show! It’s very interesting.

A. What a B. What C. How a D. How

( ) 29. —What is your new hat __________? —Wool.

A. made from B. made of C. made in D made

( ) 30. —Are you playing computer games, Jack and John?

—_____________. We are doing our homework, Mum.

A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. Yes, we are. D. No, we aren’t.

二、完形填空 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)

Do you often think of your parents? You may say, ‘‘Of course, I 31 . I 32 a gift for my mother on Mother’s Day and on Father’s Day I give my father 33 , too.’’ But what about the other days of the year? In my family, my parents like 34 very much because my aunt and uncle come back from Beijing to see them. All the family members get together. They are very happy. In the evening, we eat moon cakes and watch the 35 . I have a friend. Her parents 36 in another city. One day, I go to see her, and we have a nice talk. Then she wants to 37 . So she dials (撥打) the number, but then she puts down the phone. 38 about 15 minutes, she dials the number again. ‘‘Hi, Mom?.’’

Later, I ask, ‘‘Why do you dial the number 39 ?’’ She smiles, ‘‘My parents are old and 40 , so they can't get close to the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I only want to give them 41 time to 42 the telephone.’’ My friend is a good girl. She is always 43 of her parents. You also want to be a

44 child, right? Please always remember to 45 your parents at any time, not just on some important days.

( ) 31. A. will

( ) 32. A. buy

( ) 33. A. a cake B. do C. won’t C. take D. don't D. do D. a gift B. sell B. a kiss C. some money

( ) 34. A. Halloween B. New Year’s Day C. Christmas Day D. Mid-Autumn Festival

( ) 35. A. moon

( ) 36. A. live B. sun B. play D. film D. eat C. travel

( ) 37. A. make a call


( ) 38. A. After B. go fishing C. take a walk D. have a B. When C. Before

C. second

D. For D. the second ( ) 39. A. a twice B. twice ( ) 40. A. slow

( ) 41. A. enough B. fast B. little C. healthy D. strong D. free C. any

( ) 42. A. move B. bring C. take D. answer

( ) 43. A. telling B. saying

( ) 44. A. well

( ) 45. A. call B. clever B. look C. thinking D. waiting C. bad D. good D. hear C. listen

三、閱讀理解 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)



6A English Exercise One

Class:_______________ Name:_________________


se pick(they)up for me.


's (Tom)to play the piano.

girl isn't wearing (some)clothes.

5.(be) some milk and two pineapples in the fridge two days ago.

these shoes fit you(good)?

girl is looking after (he).

English teacher showed

e's a lot of (rain) there in spring.

(rain)this morning.


e were some apples on the table.(改為否定句)


girl tells us a story. (改為一般疑問句)


little boy pointed at the king and laughed. (改為否定句)


4.I can't go to school on foot. (改為同義句)


was time for dinner.(改為同義句)


buys some bread and honey. (改為一般過去時)


rained yesterday. (改為同義句)


lost her bike. (改為一般現在時)


saw some ants on the cakes. (改為單數句)


10.I played football with my friend.(提問)




_________you _________TV last night ?No, I _________ .


_______ _______ you ______ ________ morning ?

I ________ _________ __________ my grandparents.


________ was your __________ ? It was ________ __________ .


I ________ ________ school ________ _________ yesterday.


My mother _________ things ________ the shop then.


I __________ not ________ _________, but now I __________.


He__________ many ___________ last week.


What________ these _________ mean?__________ ! You ______ swim here.


Want ________ our classroom ________ and _________?


_________ bedroom is very__________ .

6A English Exercise Two

Class:_______________ Name:_________________

一、用所給詞的適當形式填空 king _____________(wear) the new clothes now. can't _____________(smoke) in the school. e are many black _________(cloud) in the sky. 4.I ____________(look) for my pens.I _______(lose) it last night. 5.I'd like _________(eat) bananas. se listen to _________(she). at ________(this) pictures of _________(we) city. e are _________(they) books. sister likes __________(watch) films.

__________(not do) his homework yesterday.



2.I like reading English stories.(改否定句)



reads newspaper on the Internet.(改為一般過去時)


could read and draw.(改否定句)






are walking home after school.(改為一般疑問句並否定回答) ___________________________________________


1.不要亂扔果皮。人們踩到會滑倒的。 Don't ________ fruit skins on the ground. People may __________on them and _________.

2.我們能做什麼來保持我們城市的乾淨?我們可以將一些工廠搬離城市。 What _______ we ________to _______ our city clean?

We can ________ some ________ ________ from the city.


We can ______ the _______ in the ________.


_________ I _______ here ? No,you.

5.他可以為你製作一個飛機。 She can________ a plane ________ you.





One day, Liu Tao _______ his _______ Bobby in the park.


What ______ you _______ in the park last Saturday?

6A English Exercise Three

Class:_______________ Name:_________________


farmers _____________(shout)at the new worker now.

should not _____________(litter) in the school. e were a lot of_________(people) in the street.

4. Here’s a sign at the __________(shop) centre. 5.I want _________(buy)some new clothes with my family. se __________(not) look after_________(we). can plant more trees___________(help)________(keep) the air clean.

’t________ in the school,because the sign says“No__________”.(smoke) sister always________(put) rubbish in the bin. __________ (draw)pictures after school last night.

’s time for_________(sing)’s ________(start)_________(sing).

ledge(知識) is _________(use) can use it __________(think).



can also play football..(改同義句)_________________________________

3.I like living in the city.(改為否定句)_________________________________

littering. (改同義句)___________________________________________

5.I’m going to play football after school.(改否定句)






have a lot of fun .(改為同義句)



1.木材來自樹木。我們應該杜絕濫伐樹木。 Wood______ _______ __________________ ______ too______trees.


We ________love and ________ our________ .

3.我們可以用紙做一個風箏。 We can ______ paper_______ ________ a kite.


We should not _________the rubbish_______the river.

5.我們必須節約水和能源。 We must save________and________ .





What ______ yougoing to_______ _______ Chinese _________ __________.

y和Tina 正在看煙火表演。

Bobby and Tina______ _______________ now.

6A English Exercise Four

Class:_______________ Name:_________________


1. Kate’s brother ________(have) a nice computer.

2. ---Where_________(be)your clothes? ---on the bed. 3. Look at the map of_______(Chinese)on the wall. 4. The_____(child)are very happy. It’s their holiday

5. His____(parent)are office workers.

6. On Christmas Day,Tom’s family_____(be)in his grandpa’s hou


7. Mr Smith______(come)from Australia. He is_____(live)in China now. 8. What subject______(do)he study at school?

9. Look! Nancy is______(sit)beside a big tent.

10. I can_____(make)snowmen and ______(have) snowball fights with friends.

二、句型轉換 ___________ she ______ a film?

__________ they come from?

3. We should save water.(改成同義句) We _____________ water.

4. It is Mike’s birthday today. (用tomorrow替換today改寫句子) It _____ _______ Mike’s birthday tomorrow.

5. They are making some tang yuan. (改成一般疑問句)

_____ they making_______ tang yuan?